
Spiritual Guidance

Ever felt like your life's radio is stuck between stations, and all you hear is static? This is an experience for you, where you will gain insights from intuitive messages, so you can move forward with clarity and confidence.

These Sessions are your ticket to your soul's unique rhythm, purpose and path. Paula’s approach is grounded in reality while helping you decode the unseen. She takes the perspective of both psychological and spiritual, and intuitive and logical. She’s connected to the dreamer and the doer, and the tangible and the unseen. And wants to help you find your path from this approach.


These one-of-a-kind sessions are designed to:

  • Create a space for you to fully be yourself, to be seen and heard and guided with compassion

  • Clear out unseen energy that doesn't resonate with your true self and life path, or that you unconsciously have been carrying from others

  • Align your energy to the truth of who you are for an upgraded life experience

  • Decode the messages hidden within your body, and use that information to create change, transformation and health in you and your life

  • Provide you with symbolic interpretation and insight into the unseen and into, that which, may be affecting your reality, dreams and goals

  • Help you gain awareness of your subconscious patterns

  • Begin the process of becoming whole again

When you connect with the pure energy in these sessions, you'll begin to (or continue to) shed what's not serving you ,and naturally you will be open to new possibilities. You're unique, and so is my approach to energy work – it's not better, just refreshingly different.


For over a decade, I've been on a mission to spread love and create a ripple effect of healing and energetic upgrades for the entire collective consciousness. I’m committed to empowering your awareness, and to bringing you both intuitive and logical information that can change your life.

and I’m here to support you every step of the way.


Just like a car needs regular maintenance, your energy system can benefit from a little extra TLC now and then. No two Sessions are alike, as the energy always finds its way to the places you never knew needed it.


These sessions are perfect for you if:

  • You feel blocked or stagnant

  • You are seeking information about the unseen realms

  • You're curious about your true energy system and its potential

  • You're an empath seeking guidance and acceptance

  • You're experiencing physical pain, emotional turmoil, or spiritual uncertainty

  • You're on your own awakening journey and ready to level up

  • You have a desire or pull to explore spiritual problems and their solutions

  • You’re seeking answers and need insight that you can’t seem to gain on your own

  • Your life is chaotic and stuff keeps going wrong and you can’t figure out why

  • You feel something is off, but you can’t explain it

  • You keep repeating patterns and you haven’t been able to shake the behaviour

  • You feel drained when you are around certain people or crowds

  • Struggling with making decisions or trusting yourself

  • You wish to be empowered with transformation information and messages to help yourself

My transformational journey with Paula through two Frequency Upgrade Sessions was remarkable. Initially blocked and disconnected in my business identity, Paula’s intuitive energy sensing revealed imbalances in my creation and manifestation energy centers that were inhibiting my ability to manifest my desires fully. Beyond energy realignment, Paula equipped me with practical techniques to address these imbalances. The subsequent shift was deeply transformative; I am now confidently expressive, authentically engaging with the world, enriched by the resonance of my true self. Paula’s sessions were not only enlightening, but brilliantly liberating.
— Christina Seitz

Don't let life's static hold you back. Dial into this Intuitive Session for yourself now and orchestrate your very own energetic evolution: amp up your life force energy and harmonize with your authentic self.

90 Min VIDEO or PHONE sessions are available. Until further notice, there will be no in person sessions available.