psychic Attacks

Just because you can’t see it, doesn’t meant it isn’t real.

And just because a psychic attack is a real potential, doesn’t mean, that is what is happening. You can’t blame everything on dark energy or someone or something else. Maybe you just ate some bad food, or just simply had a bad dream to cleanse your subconscious mind and that is why your body is sick or your dreams are dark.

I would say most people are more than skeptical about this subject. And most people do not want to face it because they can’t see it and they want solid tangible proof. I would also say, that some scepticism is healthy and proof comes in different forms when we are talking energy transfer and interpretations. Again, just because you can’t see it, doesn’t mean it isn’t real. It very much is.

I will share one of the many experiences that I classify as proof of the unseen and energy transfer.

I did this exercise once in a class I was in.

The room was full to about 90 people. We got put into groups of about 7. The task was 6 people sat in a semicircle in front of one person standing before them. The people sitting closed their eyes. The person standing was going to direct their own heart energy out toward the group and pull it back into themselves. So, pushing it out at the ones sitting and pulling it back in to self. When the people sitting felt like they felt the heart energy being pushed towards them they were to raise their hands and when they felt it being pulled back they were to drop their hands.

So, me knowing there were 90 some other peoples energies in the room, I added a step to the process when I performed the experiment. I visualized an energy field around me and my group, with the intention that they would feel only my energy and nothing else from the rest of the room. I didn't want any interference in this experiment.

I put my best poker face on, knowing that they may open their eyes and peek at me. I put my best care bare stare force field of heart energy out at them. And sure enough, in unison, all seven people raised their hands. Even I was shocked. I needed more proof. I pulled it back in hard. All hands dropped. I pushed it out again and all hands went up at the same time. I did this about 6 more times and sure enough, each time they were picking up the pushing out and pulling back. Hand went up and down in unison.

Some healthy skepticism is a good thing in all areas of our lives. I am always looking for “proof” in the unseen.

People can feel energy. By the way, this group was made up of accountants, psychologists, real estate agents, coaches and not one of them did spiritual or body work. I would call many of them skeptics to energy transfer or the unseen.

The last three plus years have been a simultaneous rising of the dark and the light. I think a lot of people think it has been predominately either one or the other. I have not witnessed it that way.

It is true though, that our world is in one heck of a dark way these days. More so than ever, or at least more so than in my own 47+ years of this life. But don’t kid yourself, or get stuck in the blame game of EVERYTHING IS DARK. We are seeing more dark, because we are digging it up so it can be addressed. It is a good thing, even though it isn’t easy to witness for many.

The pollution of maleficent energy is certainly a problem for humanity. BUT here is why - Because people aren’t aware how it is affecting them. And when people aren’t aware they can’t do anything about it.

We must realize that it isn’t the only thing on the rise in the “atmosphere”.

The true light and light beings and Source are firmly planted, available and always there for you. And it is necessary to connect with them with discernment. Because there are also posers of light, that will do their best to trick you. This is the dark masquerading as light. These come in forms of people and unseen entities. They even come in forms of institutions and organized groups.

People often ask, what is the solution to the dark? And that is a complex answer, but simply put, a sincere connection and practice with the light and working on your own darkness within. God and prayer. And if the word God triggers you (I understand), then name it Source or Great Spirit.

Psychic attacks are a form of the darkness that we are currently all experiencing. And they are happening more and more these days. People are much more triggered than they used to be, and more people are facing their inner darkness and igniting the light within. And because of that, more psychic attacks occur, either intentionally or unintentionally.

When you name the dark, blame is not required. When you know what you are experiencing is a psychic attack, calling out the person or thing is not required.

What is required, is for you to figure out how the energy penetrated your auric field in the first place. Why has your auric field been compromised?

Here are some ways or reasons why your auric field isn’t doing its job protecting you:

  1. You have altered your state with a substance without proper precautions. This includes natural state altering plant medicines, pharmaceuticals, alcohol etc.

  2. You have altered your state via meditation and aren’t grounded in your body.

  3. Astral travel.

  4. Channeling and communicating with spirit or beings without the proper knowledge or safe practices.

  5. Visiting a building or land with known dark history.

  6. Lacking a sincere spiritual practice and/or energy hygiene practice.

It is true. People intentionally do some nasty wizard like dark type shit, with the intent to harm. And sometimes it’s just that they are triggered by their own wounds and project their wounded energy unintentionally on you. Both are considered psychic attacks.

Both require your attention. Not denial. Not fear. Just attention to tend to your own energy, shadows, wounds and spiritual practices. Like getting a spiritual and psychological audit, you could say.

Don’t blame everything on this. But, if you have had some experiences that you can’t explain, its certainly worth exploring the potential.

I will write much more on this subject. But for now. I am going to leave it here.



If you would like more information, click the link.

Numinous - Medicine for Psychic Attacks


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